Celebrating the Rise of Independent Women Homeowners in Chicago

In today’s challenging real estate market, a powerful trend is emerging: single-income women without children (SINKs) are buying homes in record numbers. These women are not just investing in property; they’re investing in their futures, creating financial stability, and taking control of their own destinies.

Single women made up 19% of all homebuyers in 2023, and the U.S. Census Bureau reports that they own 20.3 million homes—far outpacing single men, who own 14.9 million. In Chicago, this trend is particularly significant. The city has a rich history of female homeownership, with single women continuing to lead the charge in urban homebuying, often choosing smaller, more affordable neighborhoods where they can maximize their investment.

A perfect example of this trend happened recently in my own experience. Within the last year, I had the pleasure of working with two remarkable women who each purchased their homes in all cash. In a delightful twist of fate, they both ended up closing on their properties on the exact same day! It’s moments like these that remind me of the incredible power and independence these women exemplify—showing that when you’re ready to make your move, nothing can hold you back.

For women considering this path, the message is clear: don’t wait for the “perfect” moment or partner to make your move. Your home, your future, your rules. And that’s something to be incredibly proud of.

Ready to make your move or curious about what’s possible in today’s market? Whether you’re buying or selling, I’m here to help you navigate the journey with confidence. Reach out today, and let’s turn your real estate dreams into reality.